2020-01-13 [長年日記]

_ [Android]Deploygateのツール動かない

久しぶりにアプリ直そうかと思ったら、deploygateツールの設定だけで脳が溶け切った。 dg pushができない。

dg pushすると

These lines will be added to activate the plugin. Apply changes? |y| 
patching file build.gradle
Ignoring potentially dangerous file name /tmp/build20200113-9373-465j7y.gradle
can't find file to patch at input line 13
Perhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?
The text leading up to this was:
|--- ./app/build.gradle	2019-09-13 14:07:04.160030201 +0900
|+++ /tmp/build20200113-9373-465j7y.gradle	2020-01-13 02:57:57.043298481 +0900
File to patch: 
Skip this patch? [y] 
Skipping patch.
1 out of 1 hunk ignored





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  1. peixe (01-26)


